Tuesday, 6 October 2009

How tedious

Today is so average and wet. The highlight will be the next trip to glossop hoping the students have left there concessionery passes at home so i can annoy them by charging full fare. Anyway this building in denton used to be a paint shop and night club if i remember. Seems a terrible eyesore now. Would look better maybe if flattened.


  1. Anonymous6/10/09 16:36

    that building was once Denton co-op headquarters many years ago

  2. You dont really charge students full fare do you? Just that I know some drivers that done bother charging them and let them on, although I suppose you have to watch out for revenue protection team if you dont charge them full fare

  3. Dead right i do. Why should other students go out of there way to have the right pass only for the others to get cheap fares without doing anything. I am a bit of a company boy when it comes to passes. I love the pass watch scheme where we get £15 for each bad one we confiscate lol
