Tuesday, 10 November 2009

How odd!

216s are running really bad at the moment. I just did my first trip into town and have been sent to stevenson square until my next trip which is in an hours time. Not bad but i'm bored after being here for 5 minutes already. I suppose the 430 trip will be more important to run as it's when peak really starts. Finish after that so i should get home on time anyway. Thats the plan anyway.


  1. Should have gone to the Koffe pot for a bacon buttie

  2. Ahh Stevenson Square that brings memories of when I was younger and 24, 181 & 182s used to go from there, infact they used to go from the same stop your bus was parked at with 76 & 77s I think going from the stop across the pedestrian lights on the same side the stop that is now used for X35 Peak hour Express service to Bury
